Manufacturers & Suppliers of Organic Fertilizers

Manufacturers & Suppliers of Organic Fertilizers

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Organic crops have an intense need for products that not only feed the plant, but also feed the soil.

Our Introduction

About us
Trust in our experience
The term “Sustainable Agriculture” means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long-term:
✅ Satisfy human food and fiber needs.
✅ Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends.
✅ Make the most efficient use of non-renewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls.
✅ Sustain the economic viability of farm operations.
Our Products

Water Soluble

Micro nutrients

Organic Fertilizers

Organic Viricide & Fungicide


Technical Products

Bio Fertilizers

Request a consultation with Hanvika for your organic fertilizer needs

Hanvika organic innovations franchise
Hanvika manufactures and supplies high quality, natural, organic input certified crop fertilizer products including rock phosphate that are suitable for agriculture, horticulture and turf in India. Let us help you reach your yield potential!

Our Fertilizers Benefits

Grow With Organic
Hanvika recognized that the growing demand for organic crop farming required an increased focus on providing an all-natural solution to boost soil nutrition. Our goal is to provide organic, regenerative and conventional farming operations with reliable access to direct application rock phosphate fertilizers that are better for the environment . Rather than make unproven claims about our fertilizer, we focus on education, testing, and proper use to document results. This process may be slower, but it ensures that we support the growth of sustainable agriculture around the world.

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