
Kalpatharu with its latest and Novel Biotechnology have developed. Kalpatharu that will address the soil needs to help the Farming Community to reap Bumper Crops with Superior quality.
Advantages : Allow both Water and Air to move through and get to Roots. Kalpatharu Contains the required nutrients in Essential quantities which increases the yield and Overall quality of Crops. Kalpatharu Contains Microbial By-Products rich in Phytohormones, Vitamins and other Growth regulators in Optimum level. Kalpatharu is also blended with several Phytoelicitors that give Protection against Pests & Diseases by imparting System Acquired Resistance (SAR).
Dosage : 5 liters per 1 acre in for all crops (Drip Irrigation) & Spraying 250 ml per acre.
Packing : 1 ltr & 5 ltr