Benefits of Ruter Mycrorrhiza plays a very important role on erihancing the plant grooth and yield due to an increase supply of phosphorous to the host plznt. Mycorrhizal plants can absoro and accumulates several limes more phosphata from the soil or solution than non- mycothizal plzns. Plants inoculated with mycrorrhiza increase root surtaca arse water and nutrientsuptake, The use of mycrathical bialertizer helps to improve branching of plant roots and the mycorrhizal hyphese grow from the roat to sol the plant roots to contract with wider areas of sol surface, hence, increasing the absorbing area for water and nutrients absorption of the plant root system. Therefore, plants with mycrorrizalassociation wil have higher erficiency for nutrients abscrption . such as nitrogen, phasphorus, potassium, calsium, magnesium, zinc, Iran, Copper, Baran, Manganese and silica and also increase plant resistance to drought. Baran, Manganese and silica and also increase plant resistance to drought. Benelts of myconnizat bioterdlize can be seemed as follows improve plant resistance to root rod and collar rot disease. Mycoreto association in plant roots will heip plant to resiet root rot and collar rot disesase caused by other fungi.
Dosage : 5ltr per acre.
Packing : 5Ltr
Dosage : 5ltr per acre.
Packing : 5Ltr